T3 Advisory presents “Boards That Lead”
Ram Charan, Dennis Carey, and Michael Useem brought us a new model for collaborative leadership. Leadership, at the top, is being redefined as boards take a more active roll in decisions that once belonged solely to the CEO.
When To Take Charge:
In Establishing a Central Idea
In Selecting the CEO
In Clarifying Board Competence, Architecture, and Modus Operandi
In Mandating Ethics and Integrity
In Creating Compensation Architecture
When To Partner:
In Strategy, Capital Allocation, and Execution
In Establishing Financial Goals, Shareholder Value, and Stakeholder Balance
In Determining Risk Appetite
In Resource Allocation and Talent Development
In Establishing a Culture of Decisiveness
When To Stay Out of The Way:
In Execution
In Operations
In Delegating Executive Authority
In Non-Strategic Decision
In Those Excluded by Board Charter
*Disclaimer: BCA Search has found the above information incredibly valuable, but we are not affiliated with the “Boards That Lead” authors and publisher.